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How To Tell If Your Contractor Website Needs a Makeover

Digital Marketing

As a contractor, you understand the importance of a good renovation. Updating something old, removing what doesn’t work, and making way for new things can yield amazing results. However, when was the last time your contractor website was renovated?

Here are the top seven indications that your contractor website needs an upgrade:

Your Website Only Has One Page 

If you’re still using a single-page brochure-style website, it’s time to revamp it. Trying to fit all of your business information on one page leads to confusion for both people and search engines.

When someone is searching for specific information such as how to contact you or a list of your services, you want them to be able to find it quickly and easily.

An effective website should be structured into different pages, each with a specific focus. How many pages do you need? As many as necessary to get your message across. Some typical pages include:

  • Home page – Who are you and what do you offer?
  • About page – A summary of your business and what sets you apart from your competition.
  • Services page – A place to list and describe all of the services you provide.
  • Testimonials page – A place to showcase referrals and recommendations from previous clients.
  • Blog page – An opportunity to provide valuable information to your customers.
  • FAQ page – An opportunity to answer frequently asked questions about your business or services.
  • Contact page – A place to list all available ways for customers to contact you or find your business, including addresses, maps, email, and phone.

While single-page websites may have been acceptable in the 1990s, they won’t cut it in today’s world. If you’re still using a single-page website, it’s time to renovate your site.

Your Website is Cluttered and Confusing

Simple and clean is always the best approach for your business website. Even if you’re using a more modern, multi-page website template, you may still end up with a cluttered and unappealing site.

Don’t frighten potential clients away with an online presence that screams “disorganized chaos!”

Use plenty of whitespace on your web pages to keep it simple. Whitespace is the blank space on a page between graphics, images, columns, and paragraphs.

Whitespace makes your text easier to read, your images more powerful, and your site look more professional.

Improving Readability 

Do you know that the number of fonts to use on a website should be limited to two? Too many fonts, overly stylized fonts, or small fonts can make your website difficult to read.

Nobody wants to waste their time struggling to read a website. Visitors will quickly leave and find a more user-friendly site.

The color scheme you use on your website can also affect readability. Black text on a white page is much easier to read than light gray text on a white page.

Your choice of fonts and colors can determine whether visitors stay on your site or leave, so choose wisely.

Easy Navigation

Visitors to your website should be able to easily find the information they are seeking, whether it’s your services, client testimonials, or a phone number to contact you.

Your website’s navigation menu should be simple, well-organized, and easy to read, guiding visitors to the right place.

Your website design and navigation should be intuitive, without any gimmicks or complex elements. Your business website should be functional, with menus placed along the top, and standard titles such as ‘Products & Services’, ‘Contact Us’, and ‘Blog’.

Using Quality Images 

Pictures, images, and graphics have the power to tell a story and emotionally connect with your website visitors. A single image can convey the same message as an entire page of text.

  • Do use pictures and images on your webpages.
  • Do use images that support your topic and complement your text.
  • Do use high-quality images with good resolution.
  • Do use images that you have the legal right to use.
  • Don’t use screenshots or images copied from Google images.
  • Don’t overload the page with images.
  • Don’t use uninteresting images just to fill the page.

The Power of Testimonials and a Blog 

For every contractor website, having a testimonials page and a blog is essential.


  • Testimonials/ Reviews:

Your testimonials page is your personal brag book. When clients recommend you, make sure to ask for a review that you can add to your website.

Testimonials are like enthusiastic recommendations from trusted friends, and they can help bring in more leads and clients.

  • Blog:

A blog is a powerful tool for growing your business. It can help you capture more qualified leads, improve your search engine rankings, stay connected with current clients, increase repeat business, and build better relationships with potential and current clients.

By displaying your industry knowledge and expertise, a blog can help establish you as a leader in your field.

In short, having a blog on your contractor website is a must if you want to get more website visitors, qualified leads, and grow your business.

The importance of Responsive Desing

Having a website that looks great on all devices is crucial in today’s world.

More people are using smartphones and tablets to search for information and shop online than ever before.

Americans spend more digital media time on mobile devices than on desktop computers.

If you want your website to be seen by potential clients, it needs to be responsive. Google rewards responsive sites with higher rankings on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to see if your website is responsive.

Your website is an important marketing tool for growing your business, so invest the time and resources to give it the overhaul and update that it needs.


Tags: Digital Marketing

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