
Your On-Demand IT & Web Maintenance
Assistance Team—Just a Click Away,.

Why hire a full-time IT team when you can have
24/7 expert support at a fraction of the cost?
We constantly monitor, update, and optimize your site.

Expert Level

Full protection & control of your website whenever you need it the most. More than an insurance.

    • IT & Coding Assistance (Same or Next Day).
    • Request updates anytime.
    • Edits, changes, coding, and fixes.
    • WordPress updates handled.
    • Fixing contact forms.

When you sign up for l year plan

What our customers are saying?

Sam Younessian - Founder CPR123.COM

They rebranded my logo and website, putting us on the map, which alone has made us appealing to other clients and partnerships. After one and a half years, we’ve grown from $3M/year to $5.5M this year, with the goal of reaching $10M by next year. Having access to a large team of digital marketers for a flat fee is invaluable. I wouldn’t know how to hire or train my own team if I wanted to do this independently, not to mention additional employer obligations.


Save BIG with
Dreams Animation

Our web maintenance plans are your best option. See how our all-in-one fixed price compares to other solutions in the market. We are cost-effective & ready 24/7/365.

100% Money Back

Sign up for a reliable website assistant and IT package, and rest assured knowing that your website is being handled by experts. If you are not satisfied with our services in the first round of revisions, we will refund your money without asking any questions.

Businesses GROWING
with Dreams Aninmation

Ricardo DDLV.
Dreams Animation Co-Founder

Your happiness is our mission. Don’t worry about your website anymore.

Dreams Animation is the easiest way to improve your online visibility with our web design and development services. After launching your website we provide you the team you need to update your website every month, add testimonials, images, add web pages, install new designs, promotions and IT web maintenance to have a fast and efficient site, so you can deliver a better client online experience—every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dominate your industry INSTANTLY

Effortless actions to stay relevant

The most revolutionary way to maintain your site is just sending your list of multiple tasks. Our team will do everything is a matter of hours while you put attention to your business activities.

Available team 24/7

All your code or design requirements will be addressed by our teams. We are working for you anytime.

Have the work you need in minutes

Send your notes, changes, requirements to Dreams Animation and  get your changes quickly.

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